Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The ecstasy ...

Have you ever lived life ?? Many of you might raise your eyebrows unevenly in remembrance of your girl/boy-friends, your work, family, kids, last night party, job, fun-trips, bank balances and etc, but truly speaking, I once again place the same question before you 'Have you ever lived life ??'. Give yourself a thought before you unanimously scroll below.

Presuming that you have given a few seconds to the question in question here, let's just see if you say yes to the below points. Hope you get lots of yes!!

1. Did you ever woke up fresh in the morning, ready to start a new passion you didn't thought of till now ?
2. Did you ate the half-cooked food without any hesitation and planned to improve it's quality in the very next meal ?
3. Did you laugh at the politicians fighting for a piece of butter ?
4. Did you ever kept your mobile phone switched off and went for a walk in the nearby park ?
5. Have you ever brought sweets to thank the doctor for his service ?
6. Did you do charity from heart and not mind ?
7. Did you love back your near and dear ones and gave them surprises just for a little smile ?
8. Did you ever walked on the dew-clad grasses in morning ?
9. Did you try to play tricks on someone as you did when your were young and blank ?
10. Did you ....

In case you have some 'NO', spare some time. Not for your family, friends, wife, colleagues but for yourself. Give yourself a treat, a good sleep, a small gift, a newly released movie and above all, 'Hope' for that ecstasy.  

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